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Penn Station Entrance at 32nd Street and 7th Avenue Achieves ADA Accessibility

New York City's Penn Station, one of the busiest transportation hubs in the nation, has taken a significant step towards improving accessibility for all commuters. The entrance at 32nd Street and 7th Avenue is now ADA compliant, thanks to a comprehensive renovation project with Forte Construction as the general contractor.

The project involved the installation of a new elevator, three escalators, and new stairs, ensuring that everyone can easily enter and exit the station. Additionally, the entrance has been widened to accommodate increased pedestrian traffic. The new entrance is a jewel added to the crown of New York City for the residents and the visiting tourists to cherish in their day-to-day safe travels.

The project was completed while maintaining public access to the entrance, a testament to careful planning and execution. Despite the challenges of working in such a high-traffic area, the team successfully completed the project on time and within budget. Project Highlights:

  • Installation of a new ADA-compliant elevator

  • The addition of three escalators

  • Widened entrance to accommodate increased pedestrian traffic

  • Construction of a new glass-covered canopy structure

  • Installation of new specialty ceiling lighting, LED display signs, and security cameras.

Forte Construction's dedication to quality and innovation is evident in this completed project. The new entrance to Penn Station at 32nd Street and 7th Avenue sets a high standard for accessibility and sets an example for other transportation facilities across the city.

Please see the news coverage below.

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